Aricles in Icelandic
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Íslensk klassík – Arkítektúr
Icelandic classic Architecture
Halldór Laxness – Heimili
Halldór Laxness – Home
Náttúruvá á Íslandi
Natural Hazards in Iceland

Litir skraut og lífsgleði
Colours, ornament and joy of life

4 veggspjöld um efni greina um hnattræna hlýnun
4 Poster on articles on Global Warming and Settlement-Patterns

Skipulagsmál höfuðborgarsvæðins
Planning matters in the capital area

Ýmsar skipulagshugmyndir
A few planning ideas by Valsson

Gamla Reykjavík í Viðey ?
Old Reykjavik in Videy Island?

Menningargildi og velferð
Culural values and public health


Byggðastefnan brugðist?
Failiure of settlement policy?

Fegurstu og ljótustu arkitektúrsamstæðurnar
Most beautiful and ugly architectural views

Tillaga um Landsskipulagsstefnu
Proposal for country plan

Landsskipulag þrónuarfjötrar?
Country plan policy hindering development?
Aritcles in English

Future changes in activity structures of the globe under a receding Arctic ice scenario
DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2010.12.002

Megapatterns of global settlement: Typology and drivers in a warming world
DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2011.09.001

DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2013.09.008

DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2016.11.005
Articles in German

Das Zusammenwirken der Entwicklung der Selbständigkeit Islands und der Hauptstadt Reykjaviks
Complementarity of the Development of Independence of Iceland and of Reykjavík

Geschichte und Zukunft Islands aus planerischer Sicht
History and the Future of Iceland from a planning point of view