Shaping the Future and other videos
English speaking language.
Various videos in English
- Shaping the future – an autobiography
- A Critical Vision – Trausti Valsson tells his story
- ICE POLLS- BBC interview with Trausti Valsson on life after global warming
Shaping the Future is a book by Trausti Valsson. Here he tells us about his retirement and the book that is reflecting his professional and academic life and his visions for the future.
A Critical Vision – Here Trausti tells his story, his vision on global warming, and
the development of settlements and freight transport under changing weather conditions.
ICE POLLS – BBC interview with Trausti gives a glimpse into the future of global warming.
Shaping the future /Mótun framtíðar
Mótun framtíðar og tengt efni
- Menntó og háskólaár í Berlín 1962-1972 (Lengd 21:59 min)
- Þróunarstofnunarár 1972-1979 (Lengd 12:04 min)
- Íslandsskipulag og ný höfuðborg á hálendinu (Lengd 16:35 min)
- Berkeley Borg og náttúra ca. 1984-2000 (Lengd 25:37 min)
- Íslandsskipulag og byggðarstefna ca. 1975-1997 (Lengd 15:36 min)
- Vegakerfið og hálendisvegir ca. 1975-2001 (Lengd 8:19 min)
- Hlýnun Orsakir og áhrif (Lengd 11:54 min)
- Breyting á byggðarmynstri heimsins og Íslands (Lengd 5:28 min)
- Myndlist og hönnun TV (Lengd 14:08)
- Um skipulag Rvk og höfuðborgarsvæðisins (Lengd 25:42)
- Ljósmyndir (Lengd 3:45)
Mótun framtíðar eftir Trausta Valsson varpar meðal annars ljósi á nám og ævistarf hans, hugmyndir og framtíðarsýn í skipulagsmálum. Rakin eru mennta- og háskólaárin, skipulag og þróun, orsakir og áhrif hnattrænnar hlýnunar og fleira.
Independent people / Sjálfstætt fólk
Independent people
- Global warming – Floods (English subtitles Length 3:58 min)
- At Trausti’s summerhouse and home (English subtitles Length 6:36 min)
- Teaching at UC Berkeley and Reykjavik (English subtitles Length 2:25 min)
- Planning in Reykjavik and Highlands (English subtitles Length 3:04 min)
- Living with nature (English subtitles Length 2:03 min)
- Reykjavik Airport (English subtitles Length 2:38 min)
- Global warming – California & The Highlands
Independent people are TV shows about interesting and significant people in Iceland. The series is produced by Dr. Ásæll Þórðarson, who is a well-known television-host and producer in Iceland. In these episodes, Ársæll reviews the life and work of the architect Trausti Valsson, his view on planning, global warming and the future.